Plastic surgery was a taboo subject for a long time, now a day Cosmetic and Plastic surgical procedures have become a huge part of American and worldwide culture. You see many television and movie stars, or even friends and family that have elected for particular reasons to have cosmetic and Plastic surgery. People decide to search for a certified physician in the expertise of Plastic surgery because they have aging concerns, physical disfigurement, facial trauma, third degree burns, congenital anomalies, scars, or simply are unhappy with the way their bodies look. Usually females are the most leading group in opting for Plastic surgery, but with time more males are also looking into these surgical procedures.
Plastic Surgery has been around since ancient times, the word “plastic” is derived from the Greek word “Plastikos” which means giving form, or molding. Plastic surgeons have been searching for ways to provide precisely these attributes to their patients. A new form, a new shape to a part of their body that is not holding up to their wishes or expectations and limiting the way they enjoy or live life.
Some people often advertise Plastic surgery as a magical procedure, and with minimal risk, making them quite popular and attractive. A little over 80% of patients are woman who are wanting to correct a physical defect or reshape, mold or enhance a part of their bodies.
It’s important to note that Plastic surgery is not a magical option, these procedures look to provide patients with the information regarding a specific procedure and assess if it’s right for the specific patient.
If you have good health you are more able to be a candidate for plastic surgery, although aside from this, every surgical procedure carries some risks. These are some important facts to take into consideration:
These and more surgical procedures are sought after woman and men who want to improve how they feel about themselves.
Costs regarding Plastic Surgery in the United States are considered not affordable for most. The cost of healthcare in the United States has become increasingly high. This conditions have become the force that nourishes International Medical Tourism Industry. Data from research has shown that more and more American patients are travelling abroad for specialized medical services. Worldwide countries have developed programs that offer these medical procedures for a fraction of the cost. They offer state-of-the-art professional physicians that are board certified, latest in precision technologies in equipment and medical procedures. Cosmetic surgery has become a very important part of this medical tourism by developing centers that cater to the personal needs of their patients, while they can relax and enjoy the scenery of where they are recovering, making of this process a vacation before they head back home to their day to day life.
As we mentioned before the high costs of this and other medical procedures have broadened Medical tourism making Mexico a number one leader in providing specialized medical services. Tijuana has become the most growing city in medical tourism in the country in the last decade because of its specialized, safe, superior care.
Tijuana’s proximity with the United States border, and Canada, have put this city on the map, providing people with many options regarding treatments, procedure’s and surgeries. Medical tourism Industry has designed personalized services from pre-operation through post-operation. Coordinating hospital stay, pharmacy, lab studies, hotel stay, also sight-seeing in case people want to get familiarized with many of the attributes that make Tijuana the most visited city in the world. Becoming a medical tourist is a chance to combine a vacation with an elective plastic surgery.
It is of the most importance that the doctors and/or surgeons that are selected to perform any medical procedure have the required training and are certified by a board of experts. Not electing a professional that is regulated by a Board Certified Association has resulted in disastrous consequences, like not obtaining the desired result. Plastic and reconstructive surgeons require a certain degree of artistry and expertise. A general surgeon, a cosmetologist or other physicians are not specialized in performing these plastic reconstructive surgeries.
Avoid taking chances with a sketchy doctors in questionable facilities, a thorough background check of doctor’s credentials, and facilities will aid in achieving the desired outcome.
Dr. Juan Pablo Cervantes and Dr. Jacqueline Aragón are Board Certified Plastic Surgeons that have helped thousands of patients achieve the goal they have desired for themselves. They are fully committed with the wellbeing of their patients, because they understand the importance behind taking the decision to undergo aesthetic or reconstructive surgery. Their goal is to provide each client with personal equal care. They lead a team of experts that is dedicated to your ultimate satisfaction, from the moment you make that first phone call, through the whole procedure, and during your post-operative recovery.
Years of experience serving patients in Los Angeles, San Diego, Baja California with desired results have designated them as super professionals that perform State-of-the-art Plastic surgery. They take pride in listening to your goals, and make sure they understand your options and recommend only proven procedures to address your specific needs.
The Tijuana Mexico Plastic Surgery Practice of Dr. Juan Pablo Cervantes Díaz & Dr. Jacqueline Aragón– PlasticaTijuana is located at Hospital Angeles Tijuana. At Plastica Tijuana, board certified surgeons take a skillful and artistic approach to cosmetic surgery. We invite you to get to know our Internationally recognized plastic surgery center where we offer cutting edge medical services in first class facilities.
At Plástica Tijuana, we are here to help you. We take the time to explain our procedures and answer your questions. We want you to feel comfortable and confident before deciding to undergo cosmetic surgery. You can expect a warm, friendly attitude from our highly professional staff. Our staff is highly trained in advanced medical procedures and observes strict safety protocols, and is fluent in both English and Spanish.
New City Medical Plaza P.° del Centenario 9580, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, B. C. Floor: 19- Suite:1901
New City Medical Plaza P.° del Centenario 9580, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, B. C. Floor: 19- Suite:1901